Click to learn more about Dr. Carrie Hastings in the news.
Sports psychologist Carrie Hastings has become essential resource for Rams players
Why you should thank LA Rams Sports Psychologist, Dr. Carrie Hastings
For Rams players stuck in a dark place after major injury, help came from within
Pepperdine – Outstanding Alumni
Sports-Psych-In-Practice featuring: LA Rams Team Psychologist, Dr. Carrie Hastings
The Ross Tucker Football Podcast | LA Rams Health Clinician Dr. Carrie Hastings
The Reluctant Man’s Guide to Starting Therapy
How Rams Prepare To Perform Their Best: Sports Psychologist Dr. Carrie Hastings Gives An Inside Look
Athletes & Mental Health (with Ryan Leaf & Dr. Carrie Hastings)
Does (Hand) Size Matter? Inside the NFL Draft’s Fear of Tiny-Handed QBs
Rams Mental Health Roundtable – My Cause My Cleats
Under the Helmet and Shoulder Pads: NFL Players and the Human Condition
NFL has been slow to embrace mental health support for players